Presenter’s Materials for Three Billy Goats Gruff
DOWNLOAD Three Billy Goats Gruff Classroom Guide
Additional Arts In Education Materials Below.
Here is a collection of photos and line art available for our upcoming performance.
(Images, when clicked, will open in a new window. Right click to download.)

Written Materials
Arts In Education Materials
Every sponsor of Bits ‘N Pieces Puppet Theatre’s GIANT puppet productions receives access to our comprehensive Teacher’s Guide. They contains pre- and post-show activities and lesson plans for students Pre-K through third grade. Every year our guides are updated and refined with the help of teachers using our materials in the classroom.
DOWNLOAD Three Billy Goats Gruff Classroom Guide
DOWNLOAD Making Paper Plate Puppets
What’s Included
- Story, background and genre information for the production your class attends
- Activities and lesson plans ready for use in the classroom
- Step-by-step, illustrated puppet-making guide for teachers
- Sunshine State teaching benchmarks